We have over 20 years of experience

Residential Foreclosure Attorneys

Have you recently been served with a foreclosure notice? Talking with our professionals allows you to learn about alternatives to foreclosure and begin the process of regaining control of your finances. Below, we have outlined some solutions that may prevent residential foreclosure. We also encourage you to give our residential foreclosure law firm a call at (844) 330-2727 or contact SunCoast Law online to set up a consultation.

Your initial consultation with a member of the SunCoast Law, Orlando team gives you the opportunity to discuss the challenges you are facing and allows us to educate you on the options that may be available to you.


Reinstatement is an agreement between a homeowner and a lender. If the homeowner can pay all of the late payments, the lender will often agree to let the homeowner keep their home. This type of agreement can be reached well after late payments are due if the home has not been resold. Usually the money needed to pay back the lender comes from a bonus, a pay-out from a good investment, an inheritance, a tax refund, or a family gift.


Forbearance often goes hand-in-hand with reinstatement. If you’re able to prove to your lender that you will have the money to make up your late payments within a certain period of time, your lender can temporarily reduce or suspend your payments. This step allows you to catch your breath, so to speak, and gives you the opportunity to get the money you need to reinstate or modify your loan.

Repayment Plan

Sometimes a lender will work with you to create a repayment plan. With a repayment plan you pay off a portion of what you owe in addition to your regular monthly mortgage payment. Eventually, you will catch up on the past due payments and you will be current on your mortgage but you must make consistent and, timely payments.

Sun Coast Law, Orlando, is a leading residential foreclosure attorney services firm. Our experienced team specializes in navigating the complexities of foreclosed residential properties, providing comprehensive legal assistance to protect your interests. Whether you’re facing a home foreclosure or dealing with a bank owned residential property foreclosure, our dedicated home foreclosure attorneys are here to offer strategic guidance and support.

To speak with an Orlando Bankruptcy Attorney or help with Foreclosure Defense, please call (800) 535-3215


Foreclosure Action Defense

Investment Property and Foreclosure

Short Sale vs Foreclosure

Stripping A Second Mortgage

Residential Foreclosure

Free Consultations For Valuable Solutions

If you need to find a solution, contact a member of our team. SunCoast Law can help! We offer free initial consultations to all of our clients and would be happy to meet with you one-on-one.

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