We have over 20 years of experience

Affordable Foreclosure & Eviction Defense Law Firm Near You

Many fortunate homeowners will never have to hire a foreclosure attorney in their lifetime. For them, foreclosure defense is the furthest thing from their mind. 

In fact, foreclosure sales have dropped off significantly throughout Florida as compared to recent years. While this is a good sign, consider what you would do if you were one of the unlucky homeowners facing foreclosure in Fort Myers today. 

You may need an experienced foreclosure defense lawyer to help you through this difficult time. SunCoast Law Foreclosure Attorneys know what you’re going through and how to help you mount the best foreclosure defense available.

SunCoast Law Fort Myers is here to help you stop foreclosure on your home or another property. Book your free consultation today!

Fort myers foreclosure defence

Strategic Foreclosure Prevention for Homeowners

Depending on individual circumstances, there are many ways foreclosure defense attorneys defend homes from foreclosure. While you’ll be working with a competent foreclosure defense lawyer, the mortgage lender retains foreclosure attorneys as well. They work with the financial institution to ensure the bank’s records are accurate and the foreclosure process goes smoothly. Foreclosure defense attorneys do just the opposite. They look for ways to fight or stop a mortgage foreclosure for homeowners.

Some foreclosure defense strategies may include:

Put a Stop to Foreclosure Now!

For every foreclosure situation there is a solution tailor made for the specific circumstances. While foreclosure defense attorneys will work to uncover mistakes and improprieties on the part of the mortgage lender, there may also be other options available to you as a homeowner. These may include loan modification, filing for bankruptcy or even a short sale. While a short sale will not allow the homeowner to remain in the home, it may be the best option at this time.

Deficiency Judgment

A deficiency judgment may require that you will still pay the difference between the mortgage loan balance and the amount the bank received from either the foreclosure sale or the short sale of the home. In Florida, lenders have up to five years after the foreclosure or short sale to present a deficiency judgment to the homeowner. Foreclosure defense lawyers may have some leverage with the lender before the foreclosure event or short sale occurs however to resolve the deficiency amount.

If at all possible, the attorney will attempt to negotiate with the lender to ensure that they will not bring a deficiency judgment after the foreclosure or short sale is final. The attorney is in a much better position to negotiate this for the homeowner before foreclosure or a short sale occurs.

Find out how we can immediately help. Speak with a legal professional today at our SunCoast Law serving all of Lee County with a convenient location in Fort Myers, Florida. 

Free Consultations For Valuable Solutions

If you need to find a solution, contact a member of our team. SunCoast Law can help! We offer free initial consultations to all of our clients and would be happy to meet with you one-on-one.

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